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YOUNETPO 2nd Quarter Newsletter

Writer's picture: YOUNETPO PositiveChangeYOUNETPO PositiveChange

YOUNETPO was awarded a sub-grant from the Canter Center (TCC) to implement the Rule of Law Program: Advancing Liberian Security Sector Accountability and Public Trust in Montserrado & Nimba Counties. As part of this project, YOUNETPO is implementing key activities to achieve the following specific objectives:

Ø To strengthen the capacity and increase knowledge of citizens including women and youth to support the implementation of new complaints and commendations mechanisms

Ø To support increased coordination and information sharing among actors involved in addressing citizens’ complaints. The project will be implemented over a course of six (6) months (April 2023 - September 2023)

As part of the project inception activities, YOUNETPO participated in a one-day civil society partners’ orientation training organized by The Carter Center held at the head office located in fish market, Congo Town, Monrovia. With Guidance from the Carter Center, you gain approval from the Board of Internal inquiry and Professional Standards to conduct a baseline survey. YOUNETPO also conducted a baseline survey in Montserrado & Nimba Counties and also conducted a radio show to raise awareness about the project and the complaint mechanisms and commendation available at the Liberia National Police, Liberia Immigration Service and the Liberia Drug Enforcement Service.

YOUNETPO received and hosted a team from the Delegation of the European Union to Liberia (EU) on behalf of the CSO Budget Platform. The meeting was basically held to brief the EU team about the activities of the CSO budget platform, its objectives, achievements as well as challenges. The CSO budget platform is a platform that consists of 11 CSOs who are strong advocates of fiscal transparency, accountability and open budget initiatives. The CSO Budget Platform seeks to promote fiscal transparency, accountability, citizens and CSO adequate participation in Liberia’s national budget processes. The platform creates a space for Members, organizations to participate in the budget process ranging from budget Formation, Budget defense, citizens engagement into the budget process, budget approval and budget performance tracking.

YOUNETPO was awarded a sub-grant with the project titled; Integration of Citizen Charters for Health Facility Development Committees under the USAID Liberia Civil Society Activity (CSA). The USAID Liberia Civil Society Activity is a five-year program funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and implemented by DAI Global LLC (DAI) in six counties. CSA aims to strengthen Liberian civil society organizations (CSOs) to effectively engage their constituents to contribute to decision-making processes and oversee government actions. The purpose of this activity is to strengthen Liberians’ ability to advocate for policy reforms, policy implementation, and service delivery through multi-stakeholder coalitions that build feedback loops among government, CSOs, and citizens.

Leveraging YOUNETPO’s past performance in organizing and implementing campaign related activities to enhance civic participation of women and girls as well as campaign related activities to improve program management on delivering quality HIV prevention, care and treatment for vulnerable populations in Montserrado, YOUNETPO will implement key community driven programmatic strategies and interventions aimed to increase citizens’ participation in community health decision-making and management of public health facilities in communities. Under this grant, YOUNETPO will implement activities in Montserrado (Todee & Caresburg health districts) and Bong County (Salala & Suakoko health districts) from June 13, 2023 – June 12, 2024.

As part of the project inception activities, YOUNETPO participated in a Institutional and Advocacy Capacity Assessment (IACAT) conducted by a team from Naymote (June 1-2, 2023), YOUNETPO participated in the Liberia Civil Society Activity (CSA) grants official launch ceremony at Sinkor Palace Hotel and YOUNETPO participated in shared vision and co-creation workshop organized by CSA project/DAI/USAID for all 9 CSOs who have been awarded grant to implement various advocacy programs within the health sector. At the end of the five days training, YOUNETPO was selected as lead for the CSA RFA 5 coalition.

YOUNETPO became a member of the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning (IYAFP) and was awarded a grant as part of IYAFP Global Campaign on Safe Abortion. As part of the Safe abortion campaign, YOUNETPO conducted a one-day project launch and inception meeting as part of activities under the Advocacy Campaign to promote safe and equitable abortion practices in Liberia project. Participants of the event included, Ms. Vera Anthony represented the Ministry of Gender and Social Protection, leaders of women led/women focused Civil Society Organizations (CSOs), Community Based Organization (CBOs), adolescent girls and young women from communities within Monrovia participated.

In Liberia, 38,779 induced abortions occurred in Liberia, translating to an induced abortion rate of 30.7/1000 women (15-49 years) and an induced abortion ratio of 229/1000 live births. With funding support from the International Youth Alliance for Family Planning, YOUNETPO will conduct advocacy campaigns at local level through the holding of town hall meetings and at national level by engaging and petitioning the National Legislature to Legalize abortion. Choice is a Human Right, let women and Girls have the right to Safe Abortion.

YOUNETPO conducted two days (June 7-8, 2023) intensive staff capacity building training in the focus areas of: safety & security, safeguarding principles, report writing, meeting minutes and documentation with a cross section of its staff. The objectives of this training were to enhance staff capacity on logging accidents, analyzing and developing strategies to mitigate security risk within its programs and implementation and to increase staff capacity on quality data and reporting and documentation.


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