YOUNETPO Call for Team of Facilitators
2 persons per team (2 teams)
Organizational Background
Youth Network for Positive Change - YOUNETPO is registered and accredited youth led civil society organization with over 9 years of experience working around key issues including peacebuilding, human rights and citizens access to justice, sexual reproductive health rights, health system strengthening and service delivery, HIV/AIDS care, prevention and treatment, climate change, youth and sexuality, youth capacity development, and civic engagements. Since its establishment in 2014, YOUNETPO has initiated several programs to empower women and girls through capacity building initiatives and leadership programs, advocate for women and girls’ rights and access to safe abortion, education, health care services and fostered political accountability to make elected leaders more accountable and responsive. These programs and projects have benefited over 25,000 Youths between the ages of 10-35 years; we have successfully implemented projects and programs in Montserrado, Margibi, Grand Bassa, Gbarpolu, Bong and Nimba Counties.
Project Background
COVID-19 accentuated how issues of equity are critical determinants in access to services – with those already marginalized and vulnerable bearing the greatest burden of both the direct and indirect consequences of health threats. The Global Fund Strategy commits to deliver health and well-being programs that are capable to preventing, identifying and responding to pandemics. Underpinning the need for programs to respond to the actual and changing needs of communities, the Strategy puts people and communities at the center of all we do and commits to maximizing the engagement and leadership of most affected communities to leave no one behind. The need to prepare for pandemics which includes building community systems is key to ensure access to health services and to reduce gender and human rights violations during emergencies and pandemics. Pandemic preparedness and response (PPR) literacy is key to facilitate engagement of communities to ensure they can participate in decision making governance platforms, produce data as evidence for advocacy, coordinate PPR advocacy action through coalition building and strengthening and partnership building. Both COPPER community engagement (CE) and community-led monitoring (CLM) Central Managed Limited investments (CMLI) aim to build the capacity for communities to lead and drive PPR responses.
Recognizing that communities have limited access to information and are not included in PPR decision-making for a, the absence of systematic PPR capacity development strategies and plans for most vulnerable and marginalised communities, weak consultation and coordination in development and oversight of PPR policies and programs, stigma and discrimination against most vulnerable and marginalised communities remains a major challenge.
To contribute to the Global Fund’s shift from COVID-19 impact mitigation towards pandemic preparedness and response (PPR) and community and health systems readiness, the Community Engagement and Pandemic Preparedness and Response (COPPER CE) is concentrating on building Pandemic Preparedness and Response (PPR) capacity of communities and civil society to effectively engage in country-level processes and mechanisms related to pandemic preparedness and response (PPR) that ensures national PPR policies, strategies, and programs integrate health equity, human rights, and gender equality. The COOPER CE project is funded by the Global Fund with the African Coalition on Tuberculosis (ACT-Africa) as prime and YOUNETPO as a subgrantee.
The objectives of this training are:
Ø Take participants through a PPR101 training looking at concepts, national and global processes including CLM PPR indicators
Ø Reflect on participant’s roles in engaging with national processes including systems strengthening, policy and government budget decisions for Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness and Response.
Ø Support participants to reflect on the PPR sessions and consider when and how to include PPR relevant elements or activities within their existing CE and CLM workplans.
To achieve these objectives, the agenda should include the following sessions with power point presentations, exercises, group work and handouts:
1. Introduction to PPR – terms and concepts
2. Global level PPR systems and frameworks
3. National level PPR systems
4. Overview of community participation in PPR
5. Intersectionality with PPR
6. PPR indicators
Main Task
The team of two facilitators (one team of two per each region) will be require to facilitate a 3 days hybrid PPR training workshop aim at building the knowledge and capacity of Communities at national level on Pandemic Preparedness Response (PPR) for effective in-country level engagement on PPR decision-making processes, including leadership, advocacy and communication skills.
Each facilitating team must develop and submit the following tool to YOUNETPO for approval before the PPR Training is conducted. The resources for this training must be implemented over the course of 3 days. This resource pack should include but not limited to:
1. Agenda
2. Facilitator’s Guide for each Session
3. Detailed Power Point slides,
4. Summary handouts,
5. Additional resources.
6. Develop a comprehensive report and submit to YOUNETPO for Approval
The detailed Facilitator’s Guide should include timing indications and signposts for relevant presentations, as well as exercises and handouts.
As a best practice, we recommend that all training or workshops begin with a pre-survey of the participants to gauge levels of knowledge and areas of focus. A post-survey for the end of the workshop is a useful tool to gauge levels of uptake in knowledge as well as areas for further engagement.
· Developed and circulate submit an agenda for review, comments and approval by YOUNETPO at least 3 days before the PPR training;
· Coordinate with YOUNETPO with regards to logistics and other planning as require for the smooth conduct of the training;
· A draft training evaluation methodology and tool for review, comment and approval
· Develop Facilitator’s Guide for each Session and developed a detailed Power Point Slides for each session for approval at least 3 days before the training
· Develop and submit summary handouts and additional resources
· Develop a comprehensive report and submit to YOUNETPO for Approval
Targeted Participants for the PPR Training:
Two separate regional training workshops for communities in 2 different regions of Liberia. Region one training will be conducted in Montserrado County while Region 2 training will be conducted in Bong County. Each training will include participants across community organizations including PLHIV, media, PWD, Slum Dwellers, survivors network members, representative of existing PPR coalition members, and other KVPs.
Expected time for the conduct of the PPR trainings
Region One: Second Week in September
Region Two: Third Week in September
Each Facilitating team must present the following qualifications or skill sets:
Ø Substantial experience facilitating workshops and trainings for reputable organizations, especially KVPs, Youth led organizations and civil society organizations;
Ø Prior experience working across Ebola and COVID19 response and preparedness especially within NGO/INGO/CSO settings;
Ø Demonstrated work and experience within the Malaria/TB/HIV communities;
Ø Advanced oral and written proficiency in English;
Ø An understanding of the challenges and opportunities faced by PLHIV, PWD, Slum Dwellers, Survivors of Pandemic and other KVPs communities;
Ø Have a vast knowledge and experience working, supporting, participating or coordinating Liberia’s existing PPR structures and platforms
All interested applicants are encouraged to submit a motivational letter, CV including supporting documents and draft work plan no later than 4:00pm, Sunday September 1, 2024.
All applications should be address to:
Leo E. Tiah
Executive Director
Youth Network for Positive Change-YOUNETPO
Steve Marvie Avenue, Cement Road Thinker’s Village Paynesville City,
Montserrado County, Liberia
Applications can be submitted electronically email at and Cc: